
CLOSED ON PRESIDENTS DAY: The Library will be CLOSED on Monday, February 17, 2025, for Staff Training.

Borrowing Limits

A standard cardholder may borrow up to 50 items, in any combination of formats (books and CD's, for example), with the exception of video games. Video game borrowing is limited to 2 items at any given time.

Borrowing Periods

All items in the Wadsworth Public Library’s circulating collection may be borrowed for a period of 14 days.

Items checked out from other Search Ohio libraries circulate for the following periods:

  • Print items – 21 days
  • Media items – 7 days

Items checked out from OhioLINK libraries circulate for the following periods:

  • Print items – 21 days
  • Media items -- 7 days 

Wadsworth Public Library items may be renewed up to five times, as long as there is no outstanding reserve on the item.

Most items will now renew automatically. Two days before the items are due, our system will check your account for eligible items and renew them. 

  • Interlibrary loan items from non-SearchOhio libraries may not be renewed unless specifically permitted by the lending library. 

Items from other SearchOhio libraries may be renewed for the following time periods:

  • Print items – three renewals if there is no reserve on the item
  • Media items – three renewals if there is no reserve on the item

Items from OhioLINK libraries may be renewed for the following time periods:

  • Print items – one renewal if there is no reserve on the item
  • Media items – no renewals

Fines - Wadsworth Public Library

We are currently fine free. 

Personal card holders owing ten dollars ($10.00) or more in fines [and/or charges] will be prohibited from using Library services. 

If a patron receives an overdue notice for an item that he/she returned, the Library will annotate the item in the patron's account as “claimed returned.” An account may have only three claimed returned items on it at any one time.

Fines—Search Ohio and OhioLINK Library materials

Overdue fines for materials borrowed from other Search Ohio libraries are as follows:

  • All materials 25 cents per day
  • Maximum overdue fine is $5.00

Overdue fines for materials borrowed from OhioLink libraries are as follows:

  • All materials 50 cents per day
  • Maximum overdue fine is $15.00

Lost Materials - Wadsworth Public Library

If a patron cannot locate an item at the time it is due to be returned, the patron may formally report it “lost,” thereby stopping the further accumulation of fines.

A patron will be charged a “lost item fee” to replace a lost item. This fee includes the replacement cost of the item and a $2.00 processing charge per item. Another option is for the patron to obtain the ISBN information from the Library and replace the damaged item with a new copy of the same title in the same edition plus a $2.00 processing fee.

Lost Materials - Search Ohio Library materials

A replacement fee of $25.00 will be billed for any Search Ohio item not returned within 30 days of the due date.

Damaged Materials

When items are no longer able to be circulated; need excessive cleaning and repair; or when pieces of an item are lost or in need of replacement, a fee will be assessed.

These fees will vary depending on the type of problem and format of the damaged item.

If a damaged item needs to be replaced, the patron will be charged the replacement cost of the item, plus a $2.00 processing charge per item. Another option is for the patron to obtain the ISBN information from the Library and replace the damaged item with a new copy of the same title in the same edition plus a $2.00 processing fee.

Damage to technology equipment and/or its peripherals will result in full repair and/or replacement costs.

Non-Wadsworth Public Library materials that are damaged will be sent back to the owning library which will determine the damage charge for the item.