Pajama Story Time ...
in Children's Activity Room
Being ready to read by kindergarten is an important skill for children. Unfortunately, some children enter kindergarten unequipped to read. Visit the following site for teacher or parent resources on helping your child or student be ready to read!
Looking for ways to celebrate Arbor Day in or out of the classroom? Look no further. This site features downloadable material for educators and divides Arbor Day celebrations into different categories such as Science, English and more.
Brief basics on specific topics such as the solar system, stories, games, and hands-on activities from the American Museum of Natural History.
Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the media and entertainment lives of kids and families.
Need help starting a conversation with your kids about bullying, check out this resource for ideas.
Do your kids love to play video games? Do you wonder about the different ratings of new & top-selling games? Subscribe to this free electronic newsletter, Parentools, for more information on ratings and top-selling games.
The Internet Keep Safe Coalition group teaches basic rules of Internet safety to children and parents, reaching them online and in school.
Need to visually represent something in 3D? Download this application and get started. Recommended for older students.
"HSLDA is a nonprofit national membership organization of families who homeschool their children." This organization seeks to protect the rights of families to homeschool.
Homeschooling and want your child to have a chance to train for a specific career? Visit this site to learn more about the career majors available.
This educational resource from the NationalCenter for Missing & Exploited Children discusses various internet safety topics.
This website offers everything from information on homeschooling, standard curriculum, teaching opportunities, and learning support to report cards on school disticts.
Practical tips from the federal government and the technology industry to help you protect your identity, your computer, and your family online.
Does your student need help with proofreading? This site has free online proofreading, no downloads required. Find out if a portion of your paper is plagiarized or get writing suggestions.
Simply copy and paste text into this website to find out if it's been plagiarized.
Learn about all different aspects of the writing process, from creating citations to plagiarism and how to avoid it. Have a question about writing? Submit it to the OWL Mail Tutors.
Your family's guide to making the Internet and technology fun, safe and productive.
Starfall "is a free public service to teach children to read with phonics... systematic phonics approach, in conjunction with phonemic awareness practice."