
Baby & Me Story Time

Mondays at 10 a.m.

No Registration Required

Read With Me!
It is never to early to begin sharing books with your baby. Babies need to hear words every single day as they are rapidly developing their language skills. Baby & Me is a fun, interactive session using songs, rhymes, puppets and musical instruments. This program is developed with babies in mind and uses repetitive nursery rhymes and songs so parents and caregivers can repeat them at home. In these sessions, we help babies as they discover the world around them by focusing on topics such as:

  • Using shakers and scarves
  • Identifying parts of the body (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, fingers, toes, etc.)
  • Hand clapping
  • Holding books
  • Making animal sounds
  • Using puppets

These sessions aren't just for kids! Parents and caregivers can learn helpful tips and tricks for sharing stories and early literacy skills with their children. Parents and caregivers will sit with their birth-24 month old child to participate in baby friendly songs and rhymes.

For more information, please call the Children’s, Youth & Outreach Services Department at 330.335.1295.