
Overview of Strategic Planning Process

During 2022 and 2023, the Library worked with stakeholders to reassess its operations, and its strategic direction, goals, and objectives. This process involved a community-wide survey (2022), a staff engagement process (2023), public stakeholder engagement (2023), and work by the Library’s Board of Trustees (2023). Through each of these encounters community priorities, needs, and underlying values have been examined to help determine the optimal path forward for Wadsworth Public Library, as its Board and staff continue the work of furthering lifelong curiosity, learning and reading in the Wadsworth Community in the years to come.

This plan was approved by the Board of Trustees on December 18, 2023 and will guide the Library for the next five (5) years, from 2024 through 2028. During that time progress on the plan will be continually evaluated and minor changes may be adopted by the Board as situations warrant, including though not limited to funding changes, technological innovations or challenges, or other changes in community needs or interests as determined by the Board of Trustees.

An abbreviated version of the plan is listed below. To read the full plan, including detailed action items, please visit this link.


Abridged Plan

Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: Continually improve the overall layout, allocation and furnishing of library spaces for increased functionality, usability, safety and patron satisfaction


  • 1.1 Improve accessibility and strengthen ADA compliance
  • 1.2 Understand and address ongoing wayfinding needs of patrons
  • 1.3 Gain understanding of changing space utilization needs and employ best practices to increase functionality

Goal 2: Preserve and strengthen our culture of patron care by enhancing the performance, competency and job satisfaction of staff


  • 2.1 Continue to employ and develop a staff who embody the Library’s mission, excel in patron care and all competencies, and are especially equipped to handle difficult situations, safety and security issues
  • 2.2 Provide regular in-house opportunities and identify appropriate outside sources for professional development which equip staff to address the needs of our community

Goal 3: Improve the quality, quantity and relevancy of collections and their promotion to achieve increased reading, listening and viewing in our community


  • 3.1 Equip staff with data analysis tools and skills to better understand circulation and demographic trends internal to our community and WPL 
  • 3.2 Optimize our collection organization and public discovery tools
  • 3.3 Integrate a broader range of publishers in the item selection process
  • 3.4 Cultivate and continually improve a holistic understanding of patron needs and interests among selecting staff for a collection that exceeds expectations for patrons of all ages
  • 3.5 Increase recreational reading rates and cardholdership for people of all ages

Goal 4: Improve and revitalize programs and services for patrons of all ages to achieve increased public participation


  • 4.1 Develop new programs and services that meet the programming needs of underserved populations
  • 4.2 Develop new programs and services that carry juvenile patrons beyond elementary age through their tween and teenage years, meeting their changing needs, interests, and availability
  • 4.3 Continually improve staff understanding of community needs and provide evolving programs and services that exceed expectations for all ages
  • 4.4 Emphasize programming that provides alternatives to screen time and the growing societal problems of screen addiction, haptic deprivation and social isolation, for all ages.

Goal 5: Elevate the Library’s profile in Wadsworth and improve community awareness while demonstrating the value of offerings


  • 5.1 Refresh and expand the reach of marketing and promotional efforts
  • 5.2 Prioritize promotion of services and collections
  • 5.3 Discover and pursue additional avenues for community awareness and expanded patron engagement through community partnerships
  • 5.4 Quantify the impact of literacy on academic achievement and quality of life

Goal 6: Anticipate community needs and exceed expectations while investing in technology infrastructure to position the Library for the challenges of the future


  • 6.1 Improve and act on new understanding of changing community technology needs
  • 6.2 Become a community resource for technology training needs, assistive technologies and new and noteworthy technology
  • 6.3 Experiment with targeted tech innovations that exceed community expectations

Goal 7: Celebrate Wadsworth Public Library’s 100th anniversary and honor the storied history of our community


  • 7.1 Marshall community leadership and volunteer involvement in the planning and execution of 100th anniversary programs and activities
  • 7.2 Feature our community’s history with a comprehensive redevelopment of the local history room, including digitization of text and photo archives
  • 7.3 Elevate the local profile of Ella M. Everhard, the Library’s matron founder
  • 7.4 Enliven a sense of shared connection to the past, and hopeful possibility for the future of the Wadsworth community