Pokemon Club ...
in Children's Activity Room
During 2022 and 2023, the Library worked with stakeholders to reassess its operations, and its strategic direction, goals, and objectives. This process involved a community-wide survey (2022), a staff engagement process (2023), public stakeholder engagement (2023), and work by the Library’s Board of Trustees (2023). Through each of these encounters community priorities, needs, and underlying values have been examined to help determine the optimal path forward for Wadsworth Public Library, as its Board and staff continue the work of furthering lifelong curiosity, learning and reading in the Wadsworth Community in the years to come.
This plan was approved by the Board of Trustees on December 18, 2023 and will guide the Library for the next five (5) years, from 2024 through 2028. During that time progress on the plan will be continually evaluated and minor changes may be adopted by the Board as situations warrant, including though not limited to funding changes, technological innovations or challenges, or other changes in community needs or interests as determined by the Board of Trustees.
An abbreviated version of the plan is listed below. To read the full plan, including detailed action items, please visit this link.